The In-Play™ advertising platform
Scroll DownAdverty delivers spectacular In-Play™ ads to connect brands with uniquely engaged audiences at scale, while enabling new revenue streams for game developers
For Developers

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Adverty delivers spectacular In-Play™ ads to connect brands with uniquely engaged audiences at scale, while enabling new revenue streams for game developers
We are working with Adverty since 2018 and have seen that In-Play ads in a gaming environment really differ from traditional display and mobile web ads in a positively way and that is why this type of inventory source is key for brands to be able to engage with their audiences
Emma Newman, CRO EMEA
Adverty has created a new way for our clients to effectively communicate with Generation Z, a very important audience that is getting harder and harder for most brands to reach out to
Clara Grelsson, CEO
Sweden Mindshare
Exposing our brands in safe gaming environments while reaching our target audiences at scale is an exciting, new way for us to communicate
Jonas Johnsson, Head of FAST
Mindshare FAST