

    Change log


    • ● Officially released Unity versions 5.6.3 or later.
    • ● “32-bit Display Buffer” set to true, under “Resolution and Presentation”
    • ● Compute shader compatible devices
      • ■ Windows PC with Directx 11 or 12 graphics API and Shader Model 5.0 GPU
      • ■ macOS and iOS using Metal graphics API
      • ■ Modern Open GL platforms (Open GL 4.3 for windows and Open GL ES 3.1 for Android)
    • ● Android 5.0 (build support from Android 4.0) together with above requirements
    • ● iOS 8 (build support from iOS 7) together with above requirements

    If you are building an Android application and want to test your application in the Unity editor, it is a requirement to no graphics emulation and to do that you need to check “No Emulation” in Edit -> Graphics Emulation -> No Emulation. This is required to be set each time you start Unity.

    Setup SDK

    Import the SDK

    • ● Clone the SDK repository into your project. This will enable quick updating of SDK.
    • ● If possibility for quick updating is not needed you can download and extract the SDK from the repository and drag the adverty-folder into your Unity project.

    Setup the SDK

    • ■ Click the dropdown Adverty > Settings and select the platform for your application (AR, VR or Mobile). Then add the API key generated in the portal. If no key is supplied no ads will be loaded to the project.
    • ■ NOTE: To start earning revenue, remember to publish your application in the portal at to set the application to “Live”. Without this the application will receive sandbox campaigns.

    Enable Adverty Debug

    ■ Go to Adverty > Debug and check “Enable Adverty Logs” to enable debug logs from the AdvertySDK for testing purposes.

    ProGuard Rules

    If you are using ProGuard for Android there is a set of rules that needs to be used to maintain the AdvertySDK in the building process.

    -keep class com.unity3d.player.**{ *; }
    -keep class com.adverty.**{ *; }

    Campaign Types

    ● Attract: This stage will support static or animated campaigns. Revenue is based on CPM model

    ● Engage: This stage will support viewable and interactable content. For example videos and 360 videos. Revenue is based on a combination of a CPM and CPC model

    ● Commit: This stage will support actions of the user. For example download an app or register on a website. Revenue is based on a combination of a CPM, CPC and CPA model.


    3 settings will affect the unit behavior.

    ● Allow Interaction: If the unit can be interactable and is allowed to be served Engage campaigns. This enables higher revenue possibilities.

    ● Allow Animation: If the unit can display both animated and static campaigns in the Attract stage.

    ● Immediate Activation: Immediate activation allows refreshes on ad units to happen immediately instead of when ad unit is not being rendered. First activation is not affected by this setting.

    ● Shader Type: Two shader types can be used. Unlit type will not be affected by lighting and will show the ad unit with the campaigns “true” colors. Lit type will be affected by lighting in the scene.


    Interactable ads (currently only available for AR and mobile):

    With “Allow Interaction” enabled it is possible but not guaranteed to receive an interactable ad. The AdvertyEvents.UnitActivationEvent includes information of campaign delivered. An interactable ad will provide one campaign including up to all 3 stages of content (Attract, Engage and Commit). It starts with the Attract stage, but when the unit is interacted with it will iterate through the different stages described above. Revenue will be generated based on a combination of CPM, CPC and CPA models.

    To interact with a unit the interact function must be called. What will trigger the interaction is up to you. For performance reasons a mesh collider is not attached to the unit prefab by default.

    void YourIntearctionEvent()

    Setup AdUnits

    ● Add an ad unit to your scene

    ○ Locate the Unit.prefab in Assets/adverty/Prefabs/ in the project window hierarchy.

    ○ Drag the prefab into the scene and position it as you do with any regular game objects in Unity.

    ○ Snap the ad unit to a surface.

    • ■ The ad unit can be attached to any surface by activating the “Snap to surface” checkbox in the top left corner of the preview window. When the ad unit is selected, click on a desired surface to attach the ad unit to it. This will adjust the position and rotation of the ad unit to match the surface.


    ● Ad unit settings

    ○ It is possible to add different meshes to the unit, however it has to be an Adverty generated mesh. The package includes a standard and flat UnitMesh (Adverty/Resources/Meshes). It is also possible to generate and store new meshes with different bending properties. Click on “Create Mesh” in the unit editor to access this functionality. The new mesh is bendable in one axis at the time (X-axis or Y-axis) and in either direction (concave or convex). Click the “Save mesh” button to store this mesh somewhere in the project folder. This generated mesh is reusable on any ad unit.





    ○ VR only: In the SceneContext™ section, set the properties of the ad unit according to the context of the surrounding scene. Try to be as specific as possible to optimize the ad relevance. This will maximize the eCPM and your revenue. Note that some context settings have the option to select more than one predefined value.


    ● Test your ad units with real-time impression indicator

    ○ The ImpViz™-component is a real-time impression indicator that shows when ad units placed in the scene generates impressions. This helps you optimize the monetization potential of each ad unit. Remember to remove the ImpViz-component before publishing you application.

    ○ Locate the impVizComponent in the Adverty.dll plugin and attach it to the adUnit gameObject that you want to test. If you want to test all adUnits in the scene go to Adverty->Debug and click “Add ImpViz component to all units”.

    ○ When playing the application in Unity the ad units with impViz component attached will tint with impression color when the first ad impression is registered and tint with bounce back color each time it registers an impression after that. This gives a good understanding of how the ad unit should be designed and placed in the scene to generate impressions.

    Scripting API

    Activate AdvertySDK

    To activate the AdvertySDK you need to call AdvertySDK.Init(). Calling Init without parameters will use the current configuration set on AdvertySettings and trigger an SDK sign in.

    Example 1 without parameters:

    public class ActivateAdvertyExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
        void Start()

    Example 2 with parameters:

    public class ActivateAdvertyExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
        void Start()
            string apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY;
            Adverty.AdvertySettings.Mode platform =
            bool restrictPersonalData = false;
            Adverty.AdvertySDK.Init(apiKey, platform, restrictPersonalData);

    You can add custom behaviours to when an Adverty Session Activates or fails to activate by using AdvertyEvents.AdvertySessionActivated and/or AdvertyEvents.AdvertySessionActivationFailed.

    Deactivate AdvertySDK

    To deactivate the AdvertySDK you need to call AdvertySDK.Terminate(). This will terminate all processes related to the AdvertySDK. To start it again call AdvertySDK.Init() with or without parameters.

    public class DeactivateAdvertyExampleClass: MonoBehaviour
        void Start()

    Programmatic Set up of AdUnits

    To instantiate units during runtime you can of course instantiate the unit.prefab but more importantly you can use the Adverty.UnitFactory class.

    Adverty. UnitFactory. Create (AdUnit. Configuration configuration) will return a unit gameobject with the specified configuration.


    public class UnitInstantiateExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
        void Start()
            Adverty.AdUnit.Configuration config = new Adverty.AdUnit.Configuration();
            config.MeshData.Size = 1f;
            config.MeshData.Ratio = Adverty.AdUnit.MeshData.UnitRatio.Box;
            config.Behavior.AllowInteraction = true;
            GameObject unit = Adverty.AdUnit.UnitFactory.Create(config);

    Adverty Settings


    If you have multiple modes in a game. For example a 360 view and a VR mode, it is possible to switch the platform of the Adverty SDK.


    public class ChangeAdvertyPlatformExample : MonoBehaviour
        void Start()
            Adverty.AdvertySettings.Platform = Adverty.AdvertySettings.Mode.Mobile;


    If you want to provide user data to the AdvertySDK to improve targeting and eCPM for the campaigns you can set it in AdvertySettings.UserData.


    public class AddUserDataExample : MonoBehaviour
        void Start()
            //23 years old
            Adverty.BirthData birthData = new Adverty.BirthData(23);
            Adverty.AdvertySettings.UserData = new Adverty.UserData
            (birthData, Adverty.Gender.Female);


    If you want to block the AdvertySDK from collecting personal data from the user you can set restrictUserData to true. This will reduce the potential demand and reduce the overall revenue.


    public class RestrictUserDataExample : MonoBehaviour
        void Start()
            Adverty.AdvertySettings.RestrictUserData = true;


    It is possible to set API key during runtime.

    public class SetAPIKeyRuntimeExampe : MonoBehaviour
        void Start()
            Adverty.AdvertySettings.APIKey = YOUR_API_KEY;

    AdvertySettings.SetMainCamera (Camera camera)

    Adverty SDK has an automatic detection for game camera, but it is possible to override that.


    public class OverrideAdvertyCameraExample : MonoBehaviour
        void Start()


    Public Fields

    MeshData Containing fields specifying size and shape of unit mesh
    SceneContext Containing fields specifying the target and type of the unit
    Behavior Containing fields specifying the behavior of the unit during a run session


    Public Fields

    Size Worldscale scale value used in unit transform
    MatchWidthOrHeight Matching side (X or Y) for size value in transform
    Ratio Ratio used for unit mesh



    Width Match meshData.size to X-field in unit transform
    Height Match meshData.size to Y-field in unit transform


    Box Aspect ratio 1,2:1
    Portrait Aspect ratio 1:2
    Landscape Aspect ratio 16:9
    WideLandscape Aspect ratio 97:25



    Public Methods

    void AddLocation(Location) Add specified location from locations
    void RemoveLocation(Location) Remove specified location from locations

    Public Fields

    Lighting Value specifying the lighting conditions around the unit
    Locations Value specifying the type of location the unit is located in
    Setting Value specifying the setting the unit is located in
    Size Value specifying the relative size of the unit in the scene
    Time Value specifying the time of day the unit is present in
    Period Value specifying the time period the unit is present in



    Unspecified Not specified scene lighting
    Light Scene lighting around unit is light
    Dark Scene lighting around unit is dark
    Other Scene lighting around unit something else


    Forest Unit is located in a forest environment
    Desert Unit is located in a dessert environment
    City Unit is located in a city environment
    Suburb Unit is located in a suburb environment
    Industrial Unit is located in an industrial environment
    Space Unit is located in a space environment
    Ocean Unit is located in an ocean environment
    Arena Unit is located in an arena environment
    Other Unit is located in some other environment


    Unspecified Unit setting is not specified
    Indoor The setting of the unit is indoor
    Outdoor The setting of the unit is outdoor
    Other The setting of the unit some something else


    S Unit relative size is comparable to a sticker
    M Unit relative size is comparable to a poster
    L Unit relative size is comparable to a billboard


    Unspecified Scene time around the unit is not specified
    Day Scene time around the unit is day
    Night Scene time around the unit is night
    Other Scene time around the unit is something else


    Unspecified Unit is located in an unspecified time period
    Past Unit is located in a past time period
    Present Unit is located in a present time period
    Future Unit is located in a future time period
    Other Unit is located in some other time period



    Public Fields

    ImmediateActivation Specifying if a refreshing unit can update campaign when visible to user
    AllowInteraction Specifying if interactable campaings are allowed on unit
    AllowAnimatinon Specifying if animated attract stage campaigns are allowed on unit

    Adverty Events


    AdvertySessionActivated fires when an AdvertySession is created successfully.  Best practice should be to start initiating units when you have an activated session.

    void Start()
        Adverty.AdvertyEvents.AdvertySessionActivated += AdvertySessionActivated;
    private void AdvertySessionActivated()
    (Adverty.Unit  unit, Adverty.AdUnit.AdConfiguration configuration)


    FailedAdvertySessionActivation fires if an Adverty Session fails to activate.

    void Start()
        Adverty.AdvertyEvents.AdvertySessionActivationFailed += FailedSessionActivation;
    private void FailedSessionActivation()
    (Adverty.Unit  unit, Adverty.AdUnit.AdConfiguration configuration)


    Every ad unit will request an ad when it is initiated and UnitActivatedEvent will execute when a campaign has been delivered and loaded to the ad unit. AdConfiguration includes information about if the campaign is interactable and/or animated.

    void Start()
        Adverty.AdvertyEvents.UnitActivatedEvent += UnitActivated;
    private void UnitActivated
    (Adverty.Unit  unit, Adverty.AdUnit.AdConfiguration configuration)
    Class AdConfiguration
        bool Interactable;
        bool Animated;


    Every ad unit will request an ad when it is initiated. If no ad is delivered to an ad unit UnitFailedActivationEvent will execute.

    void Start()
        Adverty.AdvertyEvents.UnitFailedActivationEvent += FailedActivation;
    private void FailedActivation(Adverty.Unit unit)


    Ad units has life cycles and can after a certain time become deactivated and request new campaigns. UnitDeactivatedEvent fires when a ad unit is deactivated.

    void Start()
        Adverty.AdvertyEvents.UnitDeactivatedEvent += UnitDeactivated;
    private void UnitDeactivated(Adverty.Unit  unit)

    Unit Interaction

    The interactable unit is a great possibility for you to utilize rewarded ads. Rewarded ads is a concept when the user is rewarded for fulfilling an interaction with an ad. The reward is up to you to define. It can be a virtual currency, in-game goods for the application or something else. To use this functionality there are three public events to your exposal in AdvertyEvents.

    AdvertyEvents. VideoDoneEvent

    When a user has watched the entire video ad this event will trigger. The event returns the Unit component of the completed adUnit. Here follows a code snippet showing how to use it.

    void Start()
    	Adverty.AdvertyEvents.VideoDoneEvent += Reward;
    private void Reward(Adverty.Unit unit)

    AdvertyEvents. WebViewOpenedEvent

    As the video and store landing page will be shown in fullscreen over your application there is an event that triggers when this overlay is opened. This can be used if your application requires for example pausing. Here follows a code snippet showing how to use it.

    void Start()
    	Adverty.AdvertyEvents.WebViewOpenedEvent += Pause;
    private void Pause()

    AdvertyEvents. WebViewClosedEvent

    Whenever the fullscreen overlay is closed the WebViewClosedEvent triggers. If you have paused the game this is probably when you want to resume it. Here follows a code snippet showing how to use it.

    void Start()
    	Adverty.AdvertyEvents.WebViewClosedEvent += Resume;
    private void Resume()

    NOTE: If your rewards includes visuals and some in-game event, this should be executed on AdvertyEvents.WebViewClosedEvent. However, the reward should still be given on Unit.onVideoDone. (WebViewClosedEvent can be triggered without VideoDoneEvent being triggered. For example if the user decides to cancel the video before it finished and close the ad overlay)

    NOTE 2: These campaigns uses a native overlay for Android/iOS to display the webview. That means it is not possible to test the full flow inside Unity Editor. This requires running on an Android/iOS device.

    General advices

    Adverty-sdk requires internet to load ads programmatically during runtime and there is always a possibility an ad is not delivered. To give the user an as enjoyable experience as possible we suggest the following actions.

    Apply your own texture

    You can apply your own texture to a unit. This makes it so that if the AdUnit is not receiving an ad your desired texture will be shown. If an ad is delivered your texture will be replaced by the ad. The ratio of the adUnits are 1.2:1, 1:2 or 16:9 for VR and AR and 1.2:1, 1:2 or 3.88:1 for Mobile. Here is how to do this.

    void Start()
    	unit.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = yourTexture;

    Disable MeshRenderer

    You can disable the MeshRenderer on the Unit-prefab. When an ad is delivered the MeshRenderer is activated. This enables the AdUnit not to render in the game until an actual ad is delivered. You can do this either via the inspector or via code.

    void Start()
    	unit.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
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