
Best practises for ad viewability

Adverty holds multiple patents for in-game ad viewability using our technology BrainImpression.

As with all kinds of brand advertising, the viewability is a key metric for marketers. We have made it easy for developers to ensure ad placements are properly displayed on-screen by verifying the viewability using our ImpViz™ feature. Games with high viewability are rated as premium and advertisers ideally spend their ad budgets in premium inventory, hence ad viewability is a key factor to maximize the revenue opportunity for developers. 

ImpViz™ is a real-time impression tracker in the Unity Editor that only triggers viewable impressions for ad units placed in the scene of the game. This helps you to optimize the monetization potential for each ad unit.

When playing the application in Unity, the ad units using ImpViz™ will tint with an impression color the first time an ad impression is registered, and tint with a bounce-back color each time it registers an impression following the first one. This gives a good understanding of how each ad unit should be designed and placed in the scene to generate viewable impressions.

More information on how to use ImpViz™ can be found in our documentation

A few factors to keep in mind to achieve the best possible viewability for your ad placements:

  • Make sure the ad takes up at least 2% of the space on the screen and is visible for at least 1 second. 
  • Place the ad units where the player avatar spends most of their time.
  • Consider the different angles the players could encounter the ad units and design accordingly. This may require an increased ad unit size or changing the shape of the ad unit.
  • As a general rule, initiate the ad request when the player avatar is in proximity of the ad unit. If possible, avoid initiating ad requests from other “scenes” as this creates a distance in time which reduces the probability for a rendered ad to become viewable.  

Aim to achieve 70%+ viewability for In-Play before going commercially live. Viewability for your ad placement can be tracked on our dashboard. If you need assistance please contact Adverty at

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