Industry Trends

Adverty Prepares for In-Play 2.0 Launch with Multiple New Integrated SSP Partners

July 5, 2024

Adverty AB (publ), the leading in-game advertising provider and multi-patent-holding creator of the programmatic In-Play ad format, announces the imminent launch of its latest innovation, In-Play 2.0, which introduces clickable billboard ads without disrupting the gaming experience. In preparation for this exciting launch, Adverty has integrated a range of new SSP partners into its platform, including Microsoft’s Xandr, Appstock, SIPO, Axis, ScreenCore and BrightMountain.

These new SSP (supply-side platform) partnerships ensure that Adverty can offer brands and media buyers around the world an even broader and more diverse range of purchasing alternatives for their In-Play ads.

“In-Play 2.0 represents a significant leap forward in interactive and engaging advertising within the gaming industry. We believe this will make a substantial difference in the format’s growth and its future success. We are truly excited to launch In-Play 2.0 to our publishers and media partners soon”, says Jonas Söderqvist, CEO of Adverty. “By expanding our reach towards the global buy-side through integration with new, prominent partners, we further strengthen our ecosystem and provide our clients with the best tools to reach their target audiences in easy and efficient ways.”

In-Play 2.0 allows advertisers to create more engaging and dynamic campaigns that not only capture users’ attention but also encourage interaction pleasantly. This new feature is designed to maximize both the reach, fill rate and effectiveness of digital ads in games, while keeping the player experience intact.

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